Decision: Highways Annual Maintenance Programme 2024-25 |
Decision Date: 8 May 2024 |
Type of Decision: Director Key |
Non-Key |
x |
Portfolio Area that decision relates to: |
Leader (inc Corporate Services, Policy, Strategy & Partnerships) |
Environment and Climate Emergency |
Economy & Transport
x |
Finance, Performance, Major Projects & Equalities |
Children, Young People and Education |
Children, Young People & Education |
Health, Wellbeing and Adults Social Care |
Housing, Planning & Safer Communities |
Background / Decision Summary:
The Highways Annual Maintenance Report details the range of highways assets that are managed by the Highways Asset Management service, the ways in which their needs based maintenance is assessed and how the available funding is targeted to deliver the wide range of maintenance and renewal works completed by the service in 2024-25.
The attached report, its annexes and the accompanying scheme booklets have been provided to the Corporate Director of Place for approval.
Options Considered:
The annual Highways maintenance programme utilises asset inspection, survey and condition data to initially assess how funding should be targeted. This is prioritised further in response to ongoing feedback from communities, businesses, elected members, partner organisations and utility providers amongst others. This is in adherence with national best practice - the Well Managed Highway Infrastructure code of practice produced by the Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation is recognised as best practice across the industry. Highways Authorities develop programmes in adherence to its recommendations.
The programme of works has been developed in accordance with the code of practice, as such the range of projects and interventions presented in the report and it’s annexes are presented as the only option.
Options Rejected:
N/A as above
Consultation Process:
The annual Highways maintenance programme utilises asset inspection, survey and condition data to initially assess how funding should be targeted. This is prioritised further in response to ongoing feedback from communities, businesses, elected members, partner organisations and utility providers amongst others. This is in adherence with national best practice in the development of a balanced and targeted highway asset management service.
In addition to basic maintenance services and projects the Highways Asset maintenance teams manage and design schemes and programmes of network enhancement projects that are scrutinised in public via the Executive member for Economy and Transport Decision sessions and are appraised and assured through the work of the Transport Board.
Implications |
Crime & Disorder |
Equalities |
Highways |
X |
Human Resources |
Legal |
X |
Financial |
X |
Affordability |
Property |
Climate Change |
X |
Health |
X |
Other |
Environment |
X |
Human Rights |
Implications Contact: Steve Wragg, Head of Highways Asset Management |
Level of Risk: |
Acceptable |
Wards Affected: |
All Wards |
x |
Fishergate |
Holgate |
Rural West York |
Acomb |
Fulford & Heslington |
Hull Road |
Strensall |
Bishopthorpe |
Guildhall |
Huntington & New Earswick |
Westfield |
Clifton |
Haxby & Wigginton |
Micklegate |
Wheldrake |
Copmanthorpe |
Heworth |
Osbaldwick & Derwent |
Dringhouses & Woodthorpe |
Heworth Without |
Rawcliffe & Clifton |
Comments/Observations: Decision:
Corporate Director, based on the information provided, approved:- (i) The allocation of budgets for 2024-25. (ii) The implementation of the proposed programme as outlined in the attached report and annexes. To ensure delivery of highway maintenance services in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Decision Made by: Neil Ferris, Corporate Director of Place Contact Details: Directorate of Place , West Offices Tel No: 01904 551448, email:
On behalf of: Neil Ferris, Corporate Director of Place |
To be implemented by: |
Michael Howard, Head of Highways and Transport |
On Completion – Signed off by:
Neil Ferris Corporate Director of Place |
Date: 8.5.24 |